Hazoori Roop Sain Sadhram Sahib

Hazoori Roop Sain Sadhram Sahib
Sain Sadhram Sahib was born on 25th October 1963 on Friday at Raharki Sahib. Sai Sadhram Sahib’s father- Sai Bhagwandas Sahib, was also a true disciple of Saint Satram Das Sahib.
Saint Sadhram Sahib’s mother died when he was just 6 days old.
Saint Sadhram Sahib was brought up in a religious atmosphere. Saint Sadhram Sahib was very brilliant in his academics.
He was very efficient and could have enjoyed the higher post, but that was the time when Saint Kanhaiyalal Sahib who at that time was serving at Raherki Sahib asked Saint Sadhram Sahib to serve at Raherki Sahib and without giving a single thought over it Saint Sadhram Sahib agreed.
It is from that day onwards he is serving at Raherki Sahib.
Saint Sadhram Sahib is the beloved of millions of people around the world. Saint Sadhram Sahib gives hope to the people who have lost hopes in their lives. He heals the wounds of the wounded and gives love and blessings to all those who come to him.