Preface – Biography Saint Kanwarram

Preface – Biography Sain Kanwarram
Saint Kanwarram was a man of the masses. He was not only a self realized Soul and a celestial singer, but also a great social reformer and a humble servant of humanity. He was from a poor family and he news the pangs and pains of poverty. In the true sense he was the friend, a helper and a guide and giver to the poor brethren.
“It is easy enough to tell to the poor to accept their poverty as God’s will when you yourself have warm clothes and plenty of food and medical care and a roof over your head and no worry about the rent. But if you want them to believe you try to share some of their poverty and see if you can accept it as God’s will yourself.”
– Thomas Merton.
I have made a humble attempt to collect and compare the life and works of Saint Kanwar with the life and works of all the great Saints, sages, social workers, social reformers and poets of the world.
I have tried my level best to authenticate my versions logically, scientifically with the aid of scientific reasoning and quotations from holy books like Gita, Vedas, Bible, Upanishadas and others. All our worldly knowledge is derivative, imitative and repetitive only the knowledge of Divinity is eternal and unchangeable, and all other knowledge’s, may be art or science all are derivatives from the ‘Divine knowledge’ the ocean and source of all Gyan and Knowledge.
My holy mother Guridevi was daughter of Vinjharbai – daughter of Bhai Sabhagchand – the elder brother of Saint Satramdas – Guru of Saint Kanwarram, told me many stories and anecdotes about Saint Kanwarram. My father Saint Kashiram was a great devotee of Saint Kanwarram. He used to narrate many stories about Kanwarram. I have also incorporated various stories told by Sadoribai (dauther of Saint Satramdas), Ganga Mata (wife of Saint Kanwarram). I have seen and read the books of various authors on the life of Kanwarram in Sindhi language. They are more or less direct narrations and renderings and repetitions. I admire and appreciate the works of all the previous authors. This work is more or less analytical, critical, logical, spiritual, philosophical and more or less direct and intuitional rendering of the heart and pouring of the Soul.
For many years I have been writing articles in various journals and magazines on the lives and works of Saints hence this is not a work just assigned to some body to write or author a book.
In true humility and humbleness, in piety and politeness and in total and true spirit of submission, I do not take any credit as an author of this book. Lord Krishna himself is the author and doer of everything. Man is just a poor puppet, a doll, and an instrument in the hands of Almighty whatever work. He wants to get it done through the agency. He gets it done – hence the credit goes to the God, not to the man.
I am remind of the words of Sir James Jeans ‘Universe if more like a great thought rather than a great machine’ – that thought is Kanwar and Krishna to me.
Photos in this book are by courtesy of Bhai Pessuram son of Saint Kanwarram.
I am grateful to Principal Kane for writing a forward for this holy book. Thanks to Purshottam Kalbande and Deulkar for typing the manuscript.
I am grateful to my wife Kavita for her assistance in proof reading.
I am grateful to Sindhu Printers for printing the book in a short time very neatly.
I very humbly dedicate this book to the great Martyrs and Saints, social reformers who have sacrificed their lives and every thing for the good and benefit of humanity at large, through out the globe.
I end this preface with the following sloka from Gita:
“Whatever thou doest, whatever thou eatest, whatever thou offerest in sacrifice, whatever thou givest away, whatever austerity thou practisest, O son of Kunti, do thou as an offering unto me.”
– Gita IX-27)
Rajkamal Chowk,
Amravati (MS)
Date: 13.4.1985